Page 55 - EJO0055
P. 55

Now think upon this

        Madanrekha was a prince’s young, beautiful wife and she had
        to face such an adverse situation. Her thought process during
        such a time was so deep and true. What an amazing advice she
        gave her husband ! How was all this possible ? Only because
        of  her  unflinching  faith  in  the  Lord,  His  teachings  and  the
        right perception she possessed.

        Sitaji’s  situation  was  almost  similar  to  Madanrekha’s  while
        being  left  alone  in  the  forest.  Inspite  of  this,  she  taught  the
        soldier the real fundamentals of life with the help of her right
        perception. She told him, “Neither you, nor your Lord, nor the
        ignorant people are responsible for my present state. Only my
        previous karmas and my attraction for sensual pleasures are
        to  be  to  blamed. Thus,  you  needn’t  cry. Tell your  Lord  that
        only my bad karmas forced him to do this. He is innocent.”
        Imagine  the  intensity  of  Sitaji’s  sorrow  – A  great  beautiful
        queen who was thrown out of the palace and left in the forest
        by her own husband !
        The more dejecting part is that inspite of being absolutely pure
        and  chaste,  she  was  defamed  by  the  people  in  this  manner,
        “This Sita has stayed at Ravana’s place and hence cannot be
        trusted and considered pure.” This accusation had the greatest
        sorrow because she had taken tremendous efforts, overcome
        fears  and  temptations  to  keep  her  chastity  and  character
        untouched and this is what she got in return !

        Inspite of such adverse circumstances, Sita’s unflinching faith
        and perception is worth admiration ! Then imagine her faith in
        Almighty’s words after she became an ascetic ! Wouldn’t her
        right perception have brightened with the aid of the noble path
        of renounciation ? We are concentrating on this because this
        is the real reason behind Sita becoming the Achyutendra and

        9. Exceptional Ascetic Life                                   45
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