Page 50 - EJO0055
P. 50

Achyutendra*’s  life  span  is  as  much  as  22  Sagaropama*
        which  is  equivalent  to  220  crore  ×  1  crore  Palyopama.
        Every  Palyopama  measures  innumerable  years  and  in  this
        time  span  innumerable  (Asankhya)  Tirthankaras  are  born  in
        the 5 Mahavideha regions. This calculation is limited to the
        time span of 1 Palyopama. But Achyutendra’s life span is as
        huge  as  220  crore  ×  1  crore  Palyopama.  Now  imagine  the
        innumerable no. of Tirthankara Lord’s which are born in this
        time span.
        Calculation of 220 crore × 1 crore Palyopama :

        This figure is equivalent to, not only 220 Palyopama, not 220
        hundred  Palyopama,  but  220  crore  Palyopama ! That  means
        2 million, 20 crore Palyopama ! This much timespan should
        pass  not  once,  not  100  times,  not  1000  times,  not  1,00,000
        times but 1 crore times. i.e. when 220 crore Palyopama passes
        1  crore  times,  the  total  time  period  amounts  to  220  crore  x
        crore Palyopama. This is the life span of the Indra of Achyuta
        heaven. At present, Sita’s soul is the Achyutendra.

        Now rethink and imagine this figure,

        Out  of  the  total  period  220  crore,  keep  aside  20  crore. The
        remainder  is  200  crore  equal  to  2  millions.  Now  these  2
        million  Palyopama  pass  not  100,1000,1,00,000  times  but  1
        crore times. Imagine this vast time span ! Add to it 20 crore
        Palyopama  which  also  pass  1  crore  times. The Achyutendra
        enjoys  the  right  to  perform  the  Janmabhisheka  of  all  the
        Tirthankaras which are born during this enomous time period.

        Sitaji is reborn as this Achyutendra. Now think, isn’t it a great
        opportunity to perform the Janmabhisheka on Tirthankar Lord
        himself amidst 63 other Indras and crores of celestial beings

         *  Achyutendra – Head of the heavenly abode named ‘Achyuta’
         *  Sagaropama, Palyopama – A scriptural term to measure time.
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