Page 48 - EJO0055
P. 48

8. A Clear Vision

        Change your vision :
        The  innumerable  knowledgeable  men  were  not  fools
        that  they  renounced  this  world.  Sanatkumar  Chakravati,

        Meghkumar,  Gajasukumal,  Metaraj  Muni…  all  great
        personalities  also  did  not  ignorantly  give  up  these  worldly
        pleasures and step into the ascetic world.

        Thus,  the  path  of  renounciation  preached  by  the  omniscient
        Almighty  and  implemented  by  great  Chakravartis  and  kings
        should definitely appeal to us.

        We should heartly feel that renounciation is the true essence of
        life. Once we strengthen this feeling, life will seem fruitful if
        we reduce our worldly attachments and it will seem worthless
        if our worldly attachments increase.

        Once our vision is developed in this manner, then someone’s
        decision  for  renounciation  will  not  surprise  us.  Instead,  we
        will feel pity on ourselves for not being able to forsake this
        selfish and temporary world.

        Thus thinking on these lines, Sitaji accepted monkhood inspite
        of attaining respect, fame and a grand, royal life. Her decision
        persuades  us  to  think,  “Why  I  am  still  seated  amidst  these
        temporary  pleasures ?  Why  can’t  I  follow  Sita  on  her  path
        of renounciation ? This incident of Sitaji’s life increases her
        fame and glorifies her character.

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