Page 69 - EJO0055
P. 69

(1)  Vision  focused  on  religion  –  Prosperity  is  the  result  of
            religion  exercised  in  previous  births.  Hence,  following
            religion is important.

        (2)  Vision focused on salvation – Salvation is the soul’s real
            prosperity.  Therefore  worldly  prosperity  should  be  used
            for  bringing  the  ultimate  prosperity  of  salvation  closer.
            Every  thought,  word  and  action  is  for  going  closer  and
            closer to salvation. Think, every second – Am I moving
            away from salvation ?
        In  the  presence  of  the  above  two  visions,  no  adversity  can
        disturb you and no prosperity can attract you. Only because
        of this, Sita was able to regain her composure and send the
        above heart-touching message to Rama.

        11. The True Vision                                           59
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