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away  in  the  talks  of  such  unwise  people,  it  is  inappropriate
        to forsake our religion, devotion towards God and Guru and
        the  faith  in  Jain  scriptures.  What  is  value  of  the  words  of
        fools ?

        As  soon  as  Ramaji  told  his  chief  soldier,  “Come  on,  let’s
        go  and  get  back  Sitaji.”  He  politely  replied,  “Lord !  I  took
        considerable  time  in  dropping  Sitaji  almost  1500  kms  and
        returning back here. In this time span, she must have walked
        a lot. How will we find her ?”

        The  king  replied,  “Do  not  worry.  She  is  walking  by  foot
        whereas we have a chariot adjoined to a horse whose speed
        is  as  fast  as  wind. With  his  help  we  will  move  through  the
        forest swiftly and trace Sita.”
        Rama  intensely  desired  to  bring  back  Sita.  He  wished  to
        rectify  his  mistake  of  punishing  the  innocent  and  thus  give
        justice  to  Sita.  The  chief  soldier  prepared  the  chariot  and
        alongwith  Ramachadraji  swiftly  headed  towards  the  jungle.
        They searched every nook and corner of the area where the
        soldier  had  dropped  Sitaji,  but  in  vain.  They  searched  and
        searched but no success. Sitaji was nowhere to be found. That
        was because Sitaji was actually not present there.

        When  a  thing  is  not  actually  present  there,  you  will  not  be
        able to find even if you search it for months, years or even
        the entire birth.

        Is their nectar in snake’s mouth ? No, then even if you strive
        for your entire life, you will not be able to find it.


        (1)  The  worldly  objects  are  not  capable  to  give  you  real
            happiness. Inspite of this, if you try to find happiness in
            them in every birth, is there any possibility of attaining it ?
        12. Effect of Sita’s Message on Rama                          63
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