Page 76 - EJO0055
P. 76

Seeing her, he stopped and inquired, “From your clothes and
        facial expressions, you seem to belong to a good family. Then
        why are you alone here ?”

        Now, will Sitaji criticize her husband Rama and the ignorant
        people ? No, Sitaji calmly said, “My misfortune has brought
        me here. It will be better if you don’t inquire any more.”

        The king understood, “This woman is in deep trouble because
        of  unknown  reasons  but  is  not  able  to  disclose  it  because
        of  her  high  progeny.  Let  it  be.  How  does  it  matter  to  me ?
        But it is my duty to help the miserable.” Thinking thus, the
        King told her, “Do not worry at all. You are now my sister.
        Consider  me  as  your  brother.  Come  along  with  me.  I  am  a
        king. Stay in my palace comfortably as my sister. My wives
        will be pleased to have you as their sister-in-law. They will
        welcome and greet you.”

        Thus  consoling  Sitaji,  King  Vajrajangha  seated  her  in  his
        chariot  and  took  her  to  his  palace.  Then  how  could  Rama
        find  Sita  in  the  palace ? Also,  who  would  convey  this  news
        to Rama ?

        Food for thought :
        In  this  birth  itself,  one  cannot  get  the  news  of  relatives
        lost in the jungle then in the next birth who will give us
        information about our lost relatives ? In what condition are
        they ?  We  are  incapable  of  comforting  them  in  sorrow,  nor
        can  they  be  useful  to  us  in  our  bad  times. Then  it  is  worth
        thinking that what is the use of harbouring intense affection
        and love towards relatives who are here only for this birth.

        Rama lost Sita in the jungle due to a specific reason but even
        otherwise in this selfish world, you have to surely lose your
        dear and near ones. Once they are lost in this dreadful forest
        of  rebirths,  no  one  is  capable  to  find  them  or  acquire  news
        about them.
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