Page 75 - EJO0055
P. 75

13.  Rama’s Regret and

                           Power of Destiny

        Rama’s grief on not finding Sita :

        Rama  cried  his  heart  out.  He  weeped  out  :  “O  Lord !  How
        did I commit such a huge blunder of abandoning such a great,
        noble,  virtuous  and  pure-hearted  woman  like  Sitaji  in  the
        forest ?  Lakshmana  tried  to  persuade  me  to  ignore  people’s
        comments  and  trust  Sitaji’s  purity.  But  I  turned  deaf  ears
        towards him. O God ! What did I do ? How mean and cruel
        I am to send such a noble soul in the mouths of wild animals !
        O  my  Sita !  Forgive  me,  I  am  your  culprit.  I  am  wicked
        and worst. You made me your husband in this birth. But, do
        not commit the mistake of accepting a man like me as your
        husband in future births.”

        "O virtuous Sita ! You enlightened this human birth by living
        a true, meritorious life as a faithful wife. On the other side,
        I darkened my birth by committing such a heinous crime of
        cheating my wife.
        What really happened to Sita ?

        Sobbing  and  regretting  his  misdead,  Rama  returned  home.
        Now, the question here is that what really happened to Sita.
        Was she hunted by wild animals or abducted by someone ?

        The  answer  is  that  she  was  neither  hunted  or  abducted  but
        was in safe hands. It so happened that the ruler of a nearby
        state,  King  Vajrajangha  was  out  on  a  ride.  Coincidently
        he  happened  to  pass  by  and  noticed  Sita  walking  ahead.
        13.  Rama’s Regret and Power of Destiny                       65
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