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P. 72

Come on. Lets go. Join the horses in the chariot. We will go
        to the jungle and get back Sitaji. Let people speak whatever
        they want.

        Initially, to remain in the good books of his subjects he threw
        Sitaji  out  of  the  palace.  But  now  look  at  Rama’s  greatness,
        he wished to rectify his mistake by getting innocent Sita back
        inspite of ignorant people’s criticism.

        The question here is,

        Q.  Now, does Rama regret his mistake of giving importance
            to ignorant people’s talks ?

        A.  Yes.  The  reason  is  that  initially  in  his  trial  to  save  his
            reputation  as  a  just  king  of  the  Ikshvaku  dynasty,  the
            people’s ignorant and foolishness did not come in his eyes.
            But  now  he  had  understood  the  low  level  of  the  people
            that,  “accusing  such  a  pure-hearted  and  holy  woman  is
            mere foolishness and stupidity. Such fools may be not only
            2-4  but  in  hundreds  and  thousands  –  but  so  what ? You
            cannot  trust  and  follow  them.”  After  understanding  this
            fact, it isn’t surprising if Rama ignores people’s lame talks
            and considers rectifying the injustice done on Sita. Infact,
            it is Rama’s greatness to be able to do so. What ?

        To rectify the punishment or injustice done to the innocent
        is also a great virtue.

        This  instance  teaches  us  a  lesson  that  it  is  inappropriate  to
        support  those  ignorant  people  who  speak  against  religion,
        Sadhu-sadhvis and the principle stated in the Jain scriptures.
        It  should  not  be  given  importance  thinking  that,  “If  so
        many  people  speak  in  this  manner,  then  it  should  be  worth

        Giving unwanted importance to fools causes disgrace and
        injustice to religion and its elements. Hence, getting carried
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