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Sitaji’s heart touching message in such crucial times shocked
        Rama.  “I  abandoned  such  a  marvellous  wife  like  Sita ?”
        This thought shook Ramchandraji and he fell unconscious. Why
        so ?  Because  his  heart  couldn’t  bear  such  a  terrible  tremor.

        He  realized,  “O,  Sita  possesses  such  respect  and  affection
        towards  me.  How  worried  she  is  about  the  welfare  of  my
        soul !  What  an  amazing  forgiving  nature  she  has !  She  has
        developed  such  royal  virtues  and  qualities.  Contrary  to  this,
        listening to ignorant people I afflicted Sita with such trouble
        and  misery.  Visualizing  all  this,  a  chill  ran  down  Rama’s
        spine. Completely taken aback, he fell unconscious.

        The shock was obvious because Sitaji exhibited an extremely
        royal  attitude  even  in  adverse  and  difficult  times.  Quite
        contrary  to  that,  Rama  sitting  comfortably  in  his  luxurious
        palace,  behaved  cruelly  with  innocent  Sita  only  to  save  his
        image  as  a  just  ruler  in  the  minds  of  ignorant  and  foolish
        people. Now wasn’t Sitaji’s greatness and Ramji’s cruelty in
        return enough to shock Ramji ?

        Actually,  Rama  himself  was  a  noble  and  great  man.  Great
        men may also commit mistakes, but it is their great quality
        that once they realize their fault, they immediately move
        back. If a man is not good by heart, then even after realizing
        his mistake, he will not leave his opinion and correct it.
        But,  Ramji  was  truly  great.  Thus,  realizing  his  mistake,  he
        was taken aback and fainted due to shock. After his servants
        brought  him  back  to  consciousness,  Rama  immediately
        addressed the chief soldier.

        Rama’s thought to bring back Sita :

        Arree !  What  did  I  do ?  Just  to  satisfy  and  please  ignorant
        people,  I  troubled  and  pained  such  an  innocent,  noble  and
        virtuous  lady  like  Sita ?  I  really  hate  myself !  Soldier !
        12. Effect of Sita’s Message on Rama                          61
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