Page 78 - EJO0055
P. 78

belongings for the child’s progress. A stepson doesn’t get
            such love and facilities.

        (2)  A faithful wife gives her husband first priority and is eager
            to use all her time, money and energy for his happiness.

        (3)  Similarly a loyal servant is also fond of his genuine and
            good-hearted employer.
        Such  a  strong  desire  and  readiness  for  sacrifice  is  essential
        in the case of God-Guru-Sangha and Sadharmika as well. If
        this desire is not present, then real bonding and affection for
        it is also not present.

        Great King Shrenika’s instance :

        Till  King  Shrenik  had  not  attained  Lord  Mahavira,  had  not
        recognized him, he did not have any affection towards to him.
        But once he met and recognized him, he developed a strong
        affection towards him that :

        “Wow ! I attained such an Almighty Lord capable of saving
        me from this endless ocean of rebirths. Only and only He is
        mine in this temporary and selfish world. This affection was
        so strong that he removed time and reverence of God 3 times
        a day. He also spent considerable wealth for the sake of God.
        How ? He would fatly reward the person who gave him news
        regarding  Lord  Mahavira.  Someone  may  question  that  why
        spend money on merely receiving such news ? But it literally
        means that he gave Lord more priority than money. The mind
        may confuse you saying, “You cannot spend so much money
        for the sake of God. It is not essential.”

        If you like wealth more than Lord, then you will use God
        for the sake of wealth, but not wealth for the sake of God.

        For  eg  :  If  he  happens  to  use  money  in  the  devotion  of
        God, he will still wish to attain more money by God’s grace.
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