Page 82 - EJO0055
P. 82

optimally utilizing your wealth and time.” Faithfully accepting
        his words, he thought that though I have only 5 kodi, I will
        use all of it in the devotion of God. Thus, he bought flowers
        worth 5 kodi* and offered them to God and became extremely
        happy. He danced with joy and considered himself fortunate
        to  be  able  to  contribute  even  little  in  the  devotion  of  God.
        He  felt  extreme  gratitude  towards  God  and  Guru  which
        enabled  him  to  become  Great  King  Kumarpala  who  was  a
        true  devotee  of  Jainism,  who  served  God-Guru-Sangha  and
        fellow Sadharmikas with all his wealth and energy. Thus, the
        gratitude and affection cultivated in the previous birth came
        along in the next birth as well.

        It thus means, that the affection towards God, Guru, Sangha,
        Sadharmika and the money, energy and time used for them
        helps us reserve their acquisition in the next birth.

        The thing to note here was that Sita happened to meet King
        Vajrajangha in  the  forest. He accepted Sita as his sister and
        brought her to the palace with great respect and affection. His
        wives greeted her and served her enthusiastically.
        Now,  you  can  imagine  the  fruits  of  Punya.  When  Rama
        forsake  her  in  the  forest,  he  must  not  have  imagined  or
        planned anything for Sitaji’s future security. Sita herself did
        not make any specific efforts for the search of the King. Then
        how did these favorable circumstances occur ? Only because
        of Sita’s Punya accumulated in the past.

        The just Karmasatta :

        Those who do not believe in the calculations of Karmasatta
        –  how  will  they  justify  this  situation ?  How  did  Sita  find  a
        place  of  refuge  in  such  a  dense  jungle ? And  that  to  not  an
        ordinary man, but a King as a refuge ? Is this merely a chance,
        a coincidence ? What do you mean by chance ?
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