Page 86 - EJO0055
P. 86

(2)  You should stand right next to them and request them ‘Go
            ahead. Kindly oblige me’.”

        (3) You should say, “Definitely, Of course. Without fail.”

        (4)  Immediately after this you should implement their wishes
            to the best of your ability.

        Does  the  current  education  system  teach  this  courtesy ?
        What is the value of such education ? A minister also has to
        behave courteously with the king to stay in his good books.
        It is possible that even the elderly people may commit some
        mistake but if you heartily respect them, then you should say
        ‘Yes’  willingly  and  accept  their  order  atleast  at  the  first  go
        and then courteously explain the real situation the them.

        Example of a disciple’s courtesy towards his Guru :

        In the beautiful sootra ‘Updeshmala’ created by Dharmadasa
        Gani,  the  Guru  addresses  his  disciple,  “Look,  this  white
        crow  is  creating  such  a  havoc  and  the  disciple  immediately
        replied, “Oh, yes !" What is there to agree here ? Agree that
        the  crow  is  white ?  Can’t  the  disciple  see  that  the  crow  is
        black ?  Or  inspite  of  seeing,  he  is  pretending  only  because
        of  his  respect  for  his  Guru ?  Instead  he  accepts  it  heartily
        without any discussion. Later on, in privacy he will politely
        ask for a clarification.

        For eg. In the present situation, he can later ask his Guru that
        I see the crow to be black in colour then how did you call it
        white ? I did not understand.

        Then the Guru will explain, “Listen, though the crow is black
        from  outside,  but  he  is  white  from  inside. This  can  be  seen
        from the fact that if he gets something to eat on the roadside,
        he will never eat it alone. Instead, sitting on a tree-branch he
        will continuously say ‘ka-ka-ka’ and create a havoc and thus
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