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towards  Almighty  Arihantas.  He  thought,  “This  is  a  great
        opportunity  to  fill  the  Lord’s  treasury.  Then  why  should  I
        miss this chance and wear the Sangha-Mala* for free ? And
        imagine  till  how  much  did  the  bidding  go ?  1  crore  and  25
        lakhs !  He  was  delighted  with  this  event.  He  himself  spent
        lakhs of rupees and led a historic Sangha towards Siddhagiri
        and generously let someone else wear the Sangha-Mala. Infact
        he was overwhelmed to do so. Why ? His affection towards
        Lord Mahavira enabled him to sacrifice his rights and inspired
        him to fill Lord’s treasury. On adding such a grand amount,
        why  not  rejoice ?  That  love  which  is  ready  to  sacrifice  is
        the real love.

        Q.  Won’t  people  start  discussing  that  “What  a  fool  king
            Kumarpala is ! He himself organized and funded the entire
            sangha and let someone else wear the Sangha-Mala ?”

        A.  No,  because  they  must  have  realized  that  wearing  the
            Mala  himself  is  an  indicator  of  ego  and  attachment
            towards oneself and one’s own status and dignity. On the
            other  hand,  letting  someone  else  bid  for  it  displays  the
            attachment towards Almighty Arihantas. Thus his fondness
            for Lord exceeds his fondness for his own self interests.

        King Kumarpal’s devotion towards God and Guru came
        along from his previous birth :

        It is a natural curiosity that how did King Kumarpala develop
        so much affection towards God-Guru-Sangha and Sadharmika.
        But the answer is that he had created such a strong devotion
        right from his previous birth. During the past birth, his mentor
        had taught him, “God and Guru’s devotion should be done by

        *  Sangha Mala – As an indication honor, the donor who has funded the
          entire sangha is felicitated with a garland.
        * Kodi – A measure unit probably close to the present paisa
        13.  Rama’s Regret and Power of Destiny                       71
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