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P. 89

15. Importance of Respect

                              and Courtesy

        Dashrath had given a word to Kaikeyi and to keep his word
        he  had  to  fulfill  Kaikeyi’s  demand.  She  had  demanded  her
        son Bharat to be coronated as the King of Ayodhya and not
        Rama. Dashrath did accordingly.

        After  doing  so,  he  called  Rama  and  informed  him  about
        the  unexpected  occurring.  At  that  crucial  moment,  Rama
        immediately replied, “Father ! You do not need to ask me or
        inform me because you are the owner of the state. The owner
        can give his belonging to whomsoever he wishes. Even if you
        give the kingdom to some soldier, it is absolutely acceptable
        to me. I am delighted to know that my brother Bharat is to be

        coronated as the King. I am happy that you cleared yourself
        off Kaikeyi’s debt.

        It  is  a  good  son’s  responsibility  to  ensure  that  father’s  debt
        is  cleared  even  after  his  demise.  But  you  cleared  your  debt
        while living. Being a loyal son, I am really happy even if I
        had to sacrifice my happiness for its sake.”

        Who  speaks  all  this ? The  courtesy  and  overflowing  respect
        in Rama’s heart for Dashrath.

        Similarly, Sita also possesses and exhibits exceptional respect
        and courtesy towards her savior, King Vajrajangha. Then it is
        obvious that the King is affectionate towards her and does not
        harbour jealousy towards her sons’ growth and progress.
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