Page 92 - EJO0055
P. 92

16. Do not cry over spilt milk

        The  second  reason  as  to  why  the  king  was  not  envious  of
        Lavana-Ankusha’s progress was their royal, virtous nature.

        The King himself possessed a royal nature where there was no
        place for jealously. Also, Sita’s sons Lavana and Ankusha were
        extremely obedient, humble and courteous which appealed to
        the  King.  In  this  situation,  where  was  there  any  room  for
        jealousy ?

        This incident teaches us that if we do not want to be a victim
        of  someone’s  jealousy  then  we  should  cultivate  virtues  like
        respect, humility, royal and generous nature, appreciation of
        other’s  qualities,  compassion  and  a  good  character  and  also
        help others in their times of need. If this is not present in us
        then it is inappropriate to get disturbed by someone’s jealous

        This implies that the reason behind the King not being jealous
        of Lavana and Ankusha was not only the King’s royal nature
        but Lavana and Ankusha’s royalty as well as Sita’s royalty.

        Now, we look upon Sita’s one more distinctive quality.

        Till date Lavana and Ankusha did not know the truth. But once
        by  chance  the  reality  reached  their  ears.  They  immediately
        come to Sita and asked for a clarification. They said, “Mother,
        till  today  you  kept  us  in  the  dark. Today  we  came  to  know
        the bitter truth that our father and uncle left you alone in the
        forest. Why didn’t you disclose this to us ?
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