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17. Sita’s Revelation of the Truth

        Sita’s amazing answer :

        “O dear sons ! I was left alone in the jungle because of my
        own bad karmas. Why to blame your father for that ? He is
        a  great  and  noble  man.  Everyone  in  his  kingdom  is  happy
        and content. Inspite of his greatness, why did my happiness
        get disturbed ? You will have to admit that there was fault in
        my luck, my Punya and not in his nobility.”

        How strongly must have Sitaji cultivated her mind to speak
        such  gracious  words  for  the  husband  who  troubled  her  so
        much !
        Understand 1 thing,

        Your mouth will speak only that which your heart believes.
        The reason behind bad words is bad thoughts and wrong

        But Sita’s heart and mind were as clear as crystal. Thus bad
        words and accusations towards her husband were impossible.
        She  was  pure-hearted  and  noble  and  hence  Lord  Arihantas
        truly  resided  her  heart.  Only  because  of  this  she  accepted
        Lord’s  path  of  renounciation even after  successfully passing
        the Agnipariksha and being warmly welcomed by one and all.

        A question that is bound to rise here is that :

        Q.  Lord  resides  in  my  heart.  I  chant  his  name  and  perform
            various rituals stated by him. Then why don’t I feel like
            renouncing this world and walking on his path like Sita ?
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