Page 98 - EJO0055
P. 98

Why  aren’t  my  words  and  thoughts  positive  even  in
            adverse situations ?

        A.  From this, you need to understand the importance of the
            teachings of great, knowledgeable men. Do you want Lord
            to  stay  in  your  heart ?  Do  you  want  your  actions,  words
            and thoughts to be revolving around him ? Then leave all
            the vices like anger, greed, pride, ego and animosity. Only
            then will Lord truly reside in your heart.

        Only if Lord truly resides in your heart, you will feel the urge
        to walk on his path. Polite words and mental composure will
        become easy.

        Sitaji  was  successful  in  eliminating  all  the  vices  from  her
        heart and mind and hence Lord resided in her heart. Thus, she
        did not even glance towards the temporary worldly pleasures
        even once after giving the Agnipariksha and willingly adopted
        Lord’s path of renounciation.

        Even now, she is keen on displaying their father’s greatness
        in  front  of  her  sons.  But  her  sons  were  so  devoted  towards
        their mother that they said,

        Lavana-Ankusha’s answer – Fight with Rama :

        “Mother !  Though  you  philosophically  believe  that  you
        were left alone in the forest because of your own karmas but
        this  belief  cannot  eradicate  the  truth  that  father  was  carried
        away  by  people’s  criticism  and  hence  abandoned  you  alone
        in  the  forest.  Does  he  think  that  Sita  has  no  protectors,  no
        refuge  and  hence  he  can  trouble  her ?  Now  we  are  ready  –
        Sitaji’s  protectors  and  Sita’s  caretakers.  We  will  show  him
        this  on  the  battlefield.  Hence,  O  mother !  We  are  going  to
        fight  against  our  father  and  uncle.  You  please  bless  us  and
        pray for our victory.”
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