Page 93 - EJO0055
P. 93

Sita’s deep revelation :

        How mature must Sitaji be ! So many years had passed, her
        sons had grown up and she had not yet told them the intense
        suffering  that  she  had  gone  through. Wouldn’t  she  have  felt
        like sharing her sorrow with her loved sons ? It is very obvious
        that in adverse times, we share our sorrow with our near and
        dear ones in the hope of consolation. But it is a misconception
        that ‘trouble shared is trouble halved’, because -
        Remembering past troubles is a cause of sorrow again and
        again.  It  leads  to  disturbance  and  dejection. It  decreases
        our courage and leads to anxiety and fear.

        Thus, it is advisable to forget previous sorrows. If they suddenly
        disturb  our  mind  then  we  should  immediately  change  our
        track  and  think  that,  “Chakravartis  lost  their  huge  kingdom.
        Compared  to  that,  my  loss  is  negligible.  Sagar  Chakravati
        had to face the huge sorrow of losing 60,000 sons at stroke.
        Where  do  I  have  to  face  such  a  grievous  situation ?”  Thus
        remembering the great adversities of previous great men, we
        should feel that our sorrow is negligible.

        In this manner, we will not remember the sorrow repeatedly
        and the sorrow will not depress us. Because if we remember
        our sorrow again and again, we feel like sharing it with others.
        But Sita had minimized her sorrow to that extent that she had
        not even shared it with her sons even once in so many years.

        To stop crying over your sorrow, first minimize the extent of
        sorrow in your mind.

        How to minimize the extent of sorrow in your mind :

        Q. How must have Sitaji minimized her sorrow ? How would
        she have convinced her mind ?

        A. To minimize her sorrow, she must have thought that :
        16. Do not cry over spilt milk                                83
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