Page 94 - EJO0055
P. 94

(1)  For a noble queen like me, the sorrow of being left alone
            in the forest is huge but compared to the endless sorrows
            of roaming in the birth cycle, this sorrow is very less. Isn’t
            it foolish to forget those great sorrows of many births and
            weep  over  this  sorrow  of  just  1  birth ?  Great  kings  and
            also  Indras  who  enjoy  unlimited  luxuries  and  comforts
            here are also afflicted with pain and troubles after death.
            After  leaving  their  present  birth,  they  are  imprisoned  in
            a  mother’s  womb  where  there  is  only  suffocation  and

        I am left alone in the jungle and it seems as if I am completely
        unhappy and have no ray of hope. But compared to those great
        Indras I am happier because I have a healthy environment to
        live  in,  enough  place  to  sleep  and  sit,  ripe  fruits  to  eat  and
        no pains of being hit or tortured. Thinking on these lines, she
        must have minimized her current unhappiness.
        (2)  Or else she must have contemplated that, ‘Why to cry over
            the  loss  of  material  happiness  and  comforts ?  Compared
            to  that,  the  loss  of  spiritual  wealth  of  non-violence,
            penance,  religious  learning,  resistance  over  temptations,
            non-attachment,  etc.  that  my  soul  is  facing  is  far  more.
            The sorrow of being trapped in this vicious cycle of birth
            and death is terrible. This external sorrow has proved to be
            an eye-opener. Now, I will strive to eliminate the sorrows
            of the soul which are worse. It is quite possible that Sita
            must have thought on this basis.
        (3)  Or else, the sorrows of lower births like hell are so dreadful
            that these sorrows seem nothing in front of them. She may
            have consoled her mind thinking that at this very moment
            innumerable  souls  are  bearing  unbearable  pain  in  hell.
            They  are  screaming  and  yelling  for  help.  Compared  to
            them, my sorrow is nothing. This, she must have nullified
            the intensity of her present sorrow.
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