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P. 95

(4)  Or else, Sitaji realized that the sorrows of this world are
            more beneficial to the soul than happiness. Because these
            sorrows  make  us  remember  God  and  his  religion. Thus,
            these  sorrows  are  not  a  curse  but  a  boon.  Hence,  she
            must  be  considering  present  sorrows  to  be  very  minor.
            Then why to cry over minor issues in front of her sons ?

        (5)  Or  else,  sorrows  are  a  medium  to  destruct  the  previous
            bad karmas. ‘O soul, you will not get another chance to
            eliminate  your  karmas.’  Thus,  thinking  in  this  way  she
            must have not have cried over her sorrows.

        Thus,  it  is  not  surprising  if  Sitaji  minimized  sorrow  of
        being  left  alone  in  the  forest  by  reflecting  upon  the  above
        External  sorrows  are  not  merely  the  rise  of  bad  karmas
        but it is actually the removal of bad karmas.

        Bad karmas are like a stain on the soul. It is an occasion to
        rejoice if these stains get removed. It isn’t something to worry
        about. And thus, Sitaji was fresh and happy and overlooked
        her sorrows.

        You may feel that all these methods to minimize your sorrows
        are  impractical  in  routine  life,  it  demands  deep  spiritual
        knowledge and understanding, it isn’t possible to implement
        such  ideologies  in  daily  life  but  you  have  no  other  option
        other  than  implementing  them. Adverse  circumstances  are  a
        result  of  your  own  previous  karmas  which  have  come  into
        action.  They  are  not  going  to  go  away  easily,  then  what  is
        the  point  of  just  sitting  and  crying  over  them ?  No.  Instead
        this  philosophical  thinking  and  contemplation  consoles  the
        mind.  It  saves  a  negative  thought  process.  Isn’t  it  better  to
        engage your mind in thoughts which strengthen and motivate
        us rather than in those which discourage you ?
        16. Do not cry over spilt milk                                85
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