Page 96 - EJO0055
P. 96

Q.  Can such philosophical thoughts help in minimizing your
            sorrow ?

        A.  Yes.  Even  if  a  warrior  is  seriously  injured  in  war  if  he
            emerges  victorious,  then  his  pain  becomes  unimportant
            because  the  joy  of  victory  is  far  more  than  the  pain.

        If we experience the joy of removal of karma-stains during
        times of sorrow, then is there any room for grief ?
        While fighting, he is ready to fight till his life’s last moment
        because  his  mind  is  occupied  with  feelings  of  patriotism,
        love  for  the  king,  his  own  duty.  These  thoughts  do  not  let
        him become unhappy. This shows that inspite of bearing pain
        which  can  result  in  death,  he  does  not  act  and  think  like  a

        This implies that inspite of being in pain, your mind can be
        joyful  due  to  some  other  reason  or  be  occupied  with  some
        responsibility,  and  then  that  sorrow  automatically  becomes

        Do those housewives who cook food in summer days complain
        and cry ? Do those employees who get a fat salary complain
        of the troubles they have to face at work ? No, because they
        consider those sorrows to be meagre.
        Thus,  this  is  the  real  power  of  philosophical  thinking  and
        contemplation – it reduces the intensity of sorrow.

        Sitaji  was  also  successful  in  minimizing  the  severity  of  her
        problem  by  occupying  her  mind  with  such  deep  thoughts.
        Hence, she did not wish to weep in front of her children and
        gain  sympathy  from  them.  But,  now  when  the  reality  had
        already reached their ears and they had come to ask Sita, she
        calmly replied…

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