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gather  all  his  fellow  crows. This  act  depicts  his  selflessness
        and  concern  for  others  which  is  a  great  virtue.  Hence  he  is
        white and bright.

        Those who are selfish and unconcerned about others are
        black;  while  those  who  have  a  selfless  attitude  and  are
        concerned about others are considered white.

        Having concern for others is real humanity :

        The  human  race  should  learn  a  lesson  from  the  crows  that
        having  a  good  appearance  and  wearing  good  clothes  is  not
        sufficient. You should be good from inside. Your heart should
        be  pure.  For  this  you  should  ignore  all  your  self  interests
        and willingly help others, ensure that your belongings prove
        useful  to  others  and  constantly  think  about  others’  welfare.
        Our words and actions should not create problems for others.
        If  you  do  not  possess  such  an  attitude,  then  you  will  be
        worse than the crows. If the foolish crows also possess such
        understanding, then what to say about the so called intelligent
        humans ? Where is humanity gone ?

        The Guru’s clarification shocked the disciple. He thought,

        “O, what a great religion Jainism is ! Great are its principles
        and consults ! According to it, I respected my Guru’s words,
        I  accepted  the  crow  to  be  white  and  I  was  saved  from  the
        sin  of  disrespecting  and  contradicting  my  Guru.  Instead  if  I
        would  have  contradicted  my  Guru’s  words  and  argued  with
        him saying, “How can a crow be white ? Even a little child

        will say that a crow is black.” Then it would have resulted in
        the disrespect of my Guru in front of everyone. If he would
        have proved me wrong and disclosed his deep thought then it
        would have resulted in my disrespect in front of others. How
        great is Jinshasan ! How great are its principles !
        14. Sita’s Devoted Sons – Lavana and Ankush                   77
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