Page 41 - EJO0055
P. 41

Ravana’s great oath :

        Ravana also had an oath that, ‘I will not touch someone else’s
        wife  without  her  consent.’ Thus  Ravana  did  not  come  close
        to  Sita.  Here  you  can  imagine  Ravana’s  greatness  as  well.
        His  thirst  for  sensual  pleasures  was  not  only  insatiable  but
        increasing  each  day.  Inspite  of  this  he  stood  by  his  oath  to
        get involved with another woman only if she wished to. Sita
        was nothing less than a beautiful goddess on earth. But if she
        did not consent to a relation with him, he would not compel
        her to do so.

        This  also  requires  great  determination.  Once  you  make  a
        resolution, sticking to it inspite of adverse circumstances also
        demands courage and strength. Attractive and admirable Sita
        was right in front of him. There was absolute privacy and the
        fragrant atmosphere was also favourable to satisfy his passion.
        But he was firm on his pledge and did not break it.

        Q.  He was so determined that he did not want to force himself
            on Sita. Also Sita was never going to agree. It implied that
            eventually he had to return back Sita. Then what caused
            the destruction of Ravana ?

        A. Pride was the cause of Ravana’s destruction.

        5. Religion and Character                                     31
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