Page 40 - EJO0055
P. 40

To avoid such a situation compassionate King Kumarpal was
        ready to burn himself alive for the sake of saving the life of
        a he-goat. Even Chandanbala’s mother Dharini walked on the
        same path. Character was of primary importance in her life.
        Dharini’s  suicide  scared  the  soldier.  “What  if  her  daughter
        also dies in a similar way ? Like mother, like daughter !”

        Hence, he immediately assured Chandanbala saying, “Dear !
        Do not do the same. Do not give up your life. I will neither
        harm you nor make you my wife.”

        Such  courageous  women  protect  their  character  more  than
        their life. They do not fear to forsake their life for the sake
        of protection of their chastity.

        Q.  But  how  can  you  crush  your  tongue  yourself  and  take
            your life ?

        A. It is possible if :

        (1)  You visualize a good character as the essence of life. If you
            lose the essence, then what is the worth of the remaining
            life ? Courageous women have a firm resolution in this
            matter and hence to do not hesitate to commit suicide.
            Because for them leaving their life is easier thant breaking
            their purity and chastity.

        (2)  The second reason which gives them the courage to give up
            their life is imagining the dreadful sorrows of hell which
            they would have to suffer if they broke their chastity. To
            avoid the long-term miseries they prefer to give up their
            life and guard their character.

        The  couragous  Sita,  was  prepared  for  this.  Hence,  she
        could  challenge  Ravana  to  keep  safe  distance.  Ravana  also
        understood her pledge.

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