Page 37 - EJO0055
P. 37

but  she  also  lost  her  mother’s  lap.  She  had  now  landed  in
        the Jain merchant’s house as a trade girl. How immense was
        her sorrow ! But she did not cry, plead or accuse anyone. She
        knew that it was a sin.

        She had the following things in mind :

        (1)  Understanding  the  nature  of  her  previous  karmas,  she
            stayed calm and composed.

        (2)  Second, she accepted the refuge of the Arihanta Lords at
            all times. “I am in the shelter of the great Arihantas.” Thus
            I have absolutely nothing to worry. He will take care of
            everything. I have to only take care of Him.

        Thus,  her  heart  and  mind  overflowed  with  the  above  two
        thoughts. Where  was  there  place  for  hatred  or  anger ? Why
        commit the sins of allusion and deceit ?
        I have attained the shelter of the great Arihantas and the
        glorious  Jinshasana. Then  it  is  essential  to  leave  the  sins
        and vices accumulated over past births.

        Sit back and think about Chandanbala’s difficult situation – A
        princess by birth now living as a slave ! Add to it Dhanasheth’s
        jealous and cruel wife who shaved her hair off and locked her
        in a dungeon depriving her off food and water.

        Inspite of all these adversities, she possessed -

        ∙ Remarkable tolerance
        ∙ Awesome composure
        ∙ Amazing humility
        ∙ Astounding devotion for God
        ∙  Faithful chanting of Lord Mahavir’s name even though she
           was  hungry,  thirsty  shut  in  the  dungeons  for  3  long  days
           of summer.

        5. Religion and Character                                     27
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