Page 34 - EJO0055
P. 34

  Similarly  this  tongue  also  has  so  many  good  uses.  How
           many do we adopt ? Do we think that this tongue can cheat
           me  and  thus  we  should  utilize  it  smartly ?  Speak  good,
           sing  Lord’s  devotional  songs  and  chants,  recite  scriptural
           verses, and talk about the virtues of great men.

        “All those whom we trust, can someday unexpectedly break
        our  trust”  If  this  is  properly  fit  in  our  mind,  then  not  only
        eyes and tongue but we will utilize all other parts of the body
        also optimally. We will also be always alert to use our wealth,
        family, property, business, profits, etc. also for good religious
        uses like devotion of God, serving saints, charity to the poor,
        reverence of scriptures, etc.

        While  getting  up  in  the  morning,  sit  back  and  think  “The
        mighty Karmasatta deceived the great, fortunate Sita. Will it
        be loyal to me ? Will it work according to my expectations ?
        Will it timely serve me ?”

        Not  only  me,  but  this  Karmasatta  and  material  objects
        can betray the entire world.

        Hence  we  should  do  as  many  good  deeds  as  we  can  till
        they are in our favour.

        Thus during Karmasatta’s first attack, the calculation to stay
        happy and enjoy palatial pleasures suddenly transformed into
        the  troublesome  forest  life.  Karmasatta’s  tight  slap !  It  also
        teaches that your Punya can break your trust untimely.

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