Page 31 - EJO0055
P. 31

(3)  Karmasatta’s third terrible attack – Rama came fought and
            defeated Ravana, brought me back to Ayodhya and made
            me the Queen. At that time I heaved a sigh of relief but
            it was short-term. Karmasatta had another mighty attack
            planned. It exclaimed, “You think that you got rid of all
            worries  and  sorrows  but  wait !  Now  you  have  to  face
            the  most  dreadful  sorrow  wherein  your  husband  himself
            suspects and insults you and throws you out in the forest
            alone.” Thus Karmasatta forced me out in the forest.

            Thus,  I  bore  the  burnt  of  the  mighty  Karmasatta  for  3
            times. Now you invite me to come to Ayodhya and enjoy
            the  joys  and  comforts  of  a  kingly  life. That  means,  you
            are inviting me to wait for Karmasatta’s fourth attack !”
            “Forgive me. I am not giving Karmasatta another chance.”

            “Why give Karmasatta another chance to attack ? Instead,
            I  will  attack  karmas  using  Jainism’s  weapon  of  non-
            violence, penance and control over senses. It will surely
            eliminate  my  karmas. Thus,  a  pure  ascetic  life  is  a  sure
            path to succeed.”

            Great was Sitaji’s understanding !
            We should take a moral from all the above three incidents.

        Moral 1 :

        (1)  During the first instance, Sita was confidant that for lifetime,
            her stay at the palace would be smooth and comfortable.
            But her confidence was smashed into pieces.

        How can Karmasatta breach someone’s trust so heartlessly ?

        Karma  is  not  only  of  one  type.  Punya  karma*  is  also  of
        different types. eg. The first and foremost good karma is the

        *   Punya Karma - Auspicious karma which leads to attainment of good
        4. Mighty Karmasatta                                          21
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