Page 25 - EJO0055
P. 25

“Only  and  only  my  past  karmas  are  responsible  for  this
        unexpected  occurrence.  The  main  reason  is  my  thirst  for
        sensual desires which led me to this situation. Because I got
        married  and  sought  the  refuge  of  a  worldly  man,  today  this
        day has come that he himself left me. Thus the prime culprit
        is my thirst for sensual desires.

        My  Lord  says  that  you  should  renounce  the  world  at  the
        tender  age  of  eight,  so  that  you  do  not  get  trapped  in  the
        worldly sorrows and troubles. I did not follow God’s orders
        and  thus  it  is  my  offence  in  the  first  place.  Once  I  get  rid
        of these sorrows and troubles, I will definitely walk on Lord
        Mahavir’s path.

        This  was  her  resolution  and  now  she  got  the  chance,  then
        why would she delay her decision ?

        She  was  now  happy  and  stable  not  because  of  the  tempting
        chance to enjoy the palatial pleasures as a queen but because
        of her long time desire of renounciation which was soon going
        to  be  fulfilled.  “Forsaking  all  such  heavenly  comfort,  how
        to  walk  on  the  laborious  path  of  renounciation ?”  She  had
        no  such  fear.  Her  decision  was  firm.  She  strongly  believed
        ‘Adversity is the stepping stone to success.'

        Renounciation  means  a  sinless  life  ultimately  leading  to
        eternal  happiness. Therefore,  why  to  fear  short-term  present
        adversities if eternal happiness is ensured in the long run ?

        Thinking on these lines, worldly life is also full of difficulties.
        Because  of  our  attachment  we  overlook  those  difficulties.
        Moreover the worldly life is temporary and full of sins.

        Till sins are present, salvation is impossible. Only a sinless
        ascetic  life  can  lead  to  salvation.  Therefore  consider  all  the
        troubles in this ascetic life as a stepping stone towards eternal
        peace. What  is  the  value  of  temporary  worldly  pleasures  as
        3. Sita’s Desire for Renounciation                            15
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