Page 22 - EJO0055
P. 22

Actually  all  that  we  devote  to  God  is  not  our  offering  but
        a  little  effort  to  return  his  unlimited  favours  on  us.  Such  a
        feeling will not give us pride that, “I created such a wonderful
        Angi.’’  I  helped  in  renovation  of  the  temple.’’  “I  helped  in
        the  construction  of  doors  and  windows.’’  All  this  is  wrong

        If a well- behaved and matured son does something for his
        father, it is not considered a favour on his father but only
        a  duty  carried  out  in  return  of  his  father’s  innumerable
        favours on him.

        If  a  good  son  gets  his  father’s  room  painted,  he  will  not
        flaunt  his  act  saying,  “I  got  my  father’s  room  painted.’’  He
        does not get his name engraved on the room wall depicting,
        “I got the painting done in this room.’’ because he very well
        understands that by getting the painting done I am not doing
        any favour. In fact, father has done unlimited favours on me
        and as a mark of his gratitude, my work is negligible. Who
        am  I  to  oblige  my  father ?  What  is  the  need  of  putting  up
        a  name  plate ?  What  to  flaunt ?  My  work  is  no  favour  but
        merely a duty.’’

        Similarly, if we remember Lord’s infinite favours on us then
        surely we will not feel like putting up our name plate when
        we make some donation.
        Today it has become a trend to put up name plates after giving
        donations in religious places, as if they are making a favour
        on Lord Arihanta ! Do you think it is appropriate to engrave
        your name on Lord’s idol or temple doors and entrances ?

        Instead if your mind adopts the positive attitude that;

        "Lord has done innumerable favours on me in front of which
        my service is negligible Being a Lord’s devoted servant, my
        service is like a drop in front of his vast ocean. I am getting
         12                                                Purity Purified
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