Page 7 - Courage Redifined
P. 7


               1. Y‘©H$Wm H$m à^md                             1
        "Hey ! Just take I puff of this new-flavour hukka."

        "What's the harm in tasting a li'l liquor?"            9
               2. grVmOr H$m Mm[aÌ{ZYm©a
        "You know how it feels to smoke?"
               3. VrZ V‘mM                                   19
        "Come  on,  become  a  little  bold  and  explore  new
        possibilities."                                      29
               4. ... ‘Ja erb Z Om¶o
        Such persuasions and conversions are frequent in the
               5. gmYZm̶r
        life of today's youth. When this happens on a daily basis,
        it  becomes  difficult  to  standby  one's  principles  and
               6. {Xì¶ g§Xoe
        resist such temptations. Many a times, if an individual
        is  firm,  peer  pressure  takes  it's  toll.  Unaware  of  the
               7. g{H«$¶ Y‘©‘‘Vm
        dreadful consequences, the youth gets carried away and
        succumbs to such temptations. Eventually indulgence
               8. {deofVm … Am‘ݶm + Jm¡ad
        in such vices is not considered to be a great deal. On
        the other hand, non-indulgence is considered to be a
               9. ‘hmZVm … {Y³H$maZo dmbo na ^r gX²^md  79
        sign of cowardice and narrow-mindedness. Constantly
        living in such an environment, amidst people of a similar
               10. gÎderb grVmOr
        mindset, an individual's brain gets washed and he tends
        to follow the herd.
               11. dZdmg … H$V©ì¶nmbZ                       108
        But don't you think that it is high time one realises
        that these is no limit to this downfall. Understand that
               12. pñWVàkVm
        when you succumb to some sensual desire, it ain't just
        a one-time act but it is the first time. If you do not take
               13. nwZamdV©Z
        charge, this act will become an addiction and ruin your
        life. To stop this downfall, it is wiser and easier to curb
               14. H$_© H$mo V_mM
        the desire at the initial stage itself.
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