Page 12 - Courage Redifined
P. 12

courage.  Going  forward,  you  will  feel  like  resorting  to  self-
       appraisal  again  to  strengthen  your  ego.  This  will  eventually
       weaken your mental strength.

       Accordingly, it is dangerous to fulfill the mind’s demands and
       desires  even  for  one  instance. We  can  very  well  understand
       this from the pitiful life of Kamlata. Let's see -
       Kamlata,  a  Brahmin’s  wife,  had  gone  to  fill  water  from  the
       well  located  outside  the  village. An  enemy  King  had  come
       along with his army to conquer the state. His soldiers happened
       to see the beautiful Kamlata, captured her and took her to the
       King. The King was attracted by her beauty. Considering her
       acquisition to be a great victory, he took her and returned with
       his army to his state.
       The King reached his palace, offered her the position of the
       main  Queen  and  tempted  her  to  become  his  wife  and  enjoy
       a luxurious life. He told her, “You will not be able to escape
       from here. Then why are you staying unhappy ? Instead enjoy
       your  life. What  did  you  get  in  that  poor  family ? You  must
       have heared the brunt of your poor husband’s anger frequently.
       Your precious youth will get wasted. Here, you have all the
       luxuries.  Additionally,  I  am  like  your  servant.  There  is  no
       reason to think. Enjoy your youth and utilize this human life.”

       Kamlata got tempted :

       The  King  lured  Kamlata.  She  got  attracted,  and  succumbed
       to the temptation of becoming a Queen. She lost her mental

       Now we will witness the series of damages that follow. She
       performed just one misdeed and it led her to the disgraceful
       act  of  becoming  a  prostitute  and  eventually  having  physical
       relations with her own son.

       If Kamlata was determined to not succumb to the temptations

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