Page 13 - Courage Redifined
P. 13

and save her character, she could have thought on the following
       lines while responding to the King’s offer.

       How to resist temptations ?
       This King’s talks are lame and immature. He thinks that this
       human body is meant just for pleasure and comforts without
       considering the means employed to acquire them. But this is
       his ignorance.
       Sensual pleasures and attractions are not a source of enjoyment
       but are actually a source of trouble for the body and soul.

       1)  Trouble for the body because you have to keep on satisfying
          its  lust  and  temptation  again  and  again.  Loss  of  strength
          in  old  age  and  loss  of  medium  to  satisfy  this  temptation
          in youth is bound to distress you. Isn't this troublesome ?
       2)  Trouble for the soul because it has to become a servant to
          satisfy the demands of the body and senses. Thus, it loses
          a golden chance to serve the Almighty God and Guru.

       3) Trouble to be dragged in misdeeds :
          In spite of understanding that sensual pleasures and leisure
          are not right, if you get tempted even once to enjoy these
          pleasures, then this loss of determination is bound to drag
          you  in  these  misdeeds  again  and  again.  Being  compelled
          to  commit  wrong  acts  inspite  of  understanding  that  it  is
          wrong- is this joyous or troublesome ?
       4) Trouble of losing the good :

          While exercising the wrong, loss of the good and beneficial
          things and acts is unavoidable. Isn't this a great trouble ?

       5) Trouble of complete destruction :
          By  the  end  of  life,  all  is  lost.  Then  all  the  previous  acts
          are nothing less than trouble.

       6) Trouble of becoming a servant of the body and senses :
       Insatiable Sensual Desires                                    3
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