Page 18 - Courage Redifined
P. 18

If you want to be saved from such sins, then do not lose your
       determination and courage.

       The rising attraction towards sins in today's times :
       In today's world, there are abundant situations and instruments
       which can drag you in such sinful acts. If you do not remain
       strong, you will be tempted to practice such deeds.
       Today's business and taxation system tempt you to cheat.

       Today's movies tempt you to stare at the partly naked bodies
       of the actresses.

       The revealing attire of women also tempt us to look in their
       Fast,  tasty  food  served  at  restaurants  tempt  us  to  forget  the
       difference  between  the  Bhakshya  (edible)  and  Abhakshya
       There are abundant places for entertainment which tempt us
       to roam about here and there.
       Today's I-Phones give you the entire world in your palm and
       burden your mind with things going on all around the world.
       Thus,  the  mind  is  bound  to  be  enveloped  in  Artadhyana
       (negative thoughts). The atmosphere around us is contaminated
       with  hatred,  envy,  narrow  mindedness  and  animosity  and
       compels us to think on the same lines at all times.
       Elements  which  drag  the  mind  in  wrong  thoughts
       (Mithyabhava*) :

       In today's times, losing your courage and getting dragged in
       wrong thoughts is not a big deal. Not only has the temptation
       for the senses increased but elements which drag the mind in
       such Mithyabhava (wrong thoughts) have also increased -
       1) Articles in magazines and newspapers

       2) Messages and videos on WhatsApp and YouTube
      * Mithyabhava -  Non-belief in the teachings of Lord Mahavira.

        8                                                Courage Redefined
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