Page 16 - Courage Redifined
P. 16

Why did Marichi* get trapped in comforts in each birth ?

       The  religion  and  charity  exercised  as  a  result  of  sensual
       temptation  actually  strengthens  these  temptations  and  not
       religion.  This  addiction  for  comforts  and  sensual  pleasures
       is  bound  to  trouble  you  in  each  birth.  Why  so ?  Because
       in  this  birth  also  you  do  not  wish  to  strengthen  religion  by
       performing  religious  activities  but  want  to  strengthen  your
       sensual  pleasures  from  it.  Then  how  will  you  be  able  to
       acquire and increase religion in the forthcoming births ?

       Marichi  enabled  Prince  Kapil  to  forsake  the  material  world.
       This was religion but his real intention and desire was to attain
       a  disciple  who  would  serve  him.  This  is  greed  for  sensual
       pleasures. To strengthen this greed, he was compelled to do
       Utsootra  Bhashana .  What  was  it's  result  in  the  next  birth?
       Increase  in  the  desire  for  sensual  pleasures  and  becoming
       a  Tridandik   repeatedly.  It  is  said  in  Lord  Mahavir's  stavan
       which deseribe His 27 births,
                    "Panchme bhave Kollaka Sannivesh,
                         Vishayasakt Brahmin Vesh"
       (In  the  Kollaka  town,  in  his  fifth  birth,  he  was  a  Brahmin
       who was attached to sensual pleasures.)

       *  Marichi –  Marichi  was  Lord  Adinath’s  grandson  who  had  accepted
                   Diksha. As  time  passed  he  could  not  bear  the  difficulties
                   involved in the ascetic life and hence took some freedom
                   and became a hermit. Inspite of these, he told all the people
                   coming to him for Diksha to go to Lord Adinath and accept
                   the difficult but right path. But once he became greedy for
                   a disciple and told prince Kapil that his path was also right.
       1. Utsootra Bhashana –  Speaking against the principles of Jainism

       2. Tridandikpanu –  Becoming A hermit who wear orange clothes, have
                          a bath, wear footwear and do religion according to
                          their convenience.

        6                                                Courage Redefined
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