Page 17 - Courage Redifined
P. 17

2. Kamlata's Wicked Plan

       The  King  permitted  Kamlata  to  give  charity  according  to
       her own free will and hence she started her donation center.
       Hearing this, seekers started coming from far and near. Among
       them  was  her  husband.  She  immediately  identified  him  and
       took  him  aside  and  gave  him  a  box  full  of  jewellery  and
       money. She told him, “Take this with you. Come at the temple
       of  Goddess  located  outside  this  city  on  the  night  of  Kali
       Chaudasa. I will also come there, accompanied by the King.
       I will then murder him and come home along with you.”

       The Brahmin was astonished to hear this. But he had received
       abundant wealth and jewellery and was now on the verge of
       getting  his  beautiful  wife  back.  In  this  greed,  he  convinced
       his  mind  thinking,  “Women  are  weak  and  dependent.  What
       could  she  do ?  How  could  she  escape  from  the  clutches  of
       the King ? How could she have protected her character in the
       King’s trap ? But she regrets her actions which means she is
       still good at heart. Let the sinful King die. I am getting my
       wife back. I should give her refuge and protect her.”

       The greed for sensual pleasures and wealth converts a human
       into a devil.  For  the  poor  Brahmin,  giving  refuge  to  his
       characterless  wife  out  of  sympathy  was  merely  an  excuse.
       In  reality,  he  wished  to  fulfill  his  own  desires. As  a  result,
       breaking the King's trust and thus murdering him was also not
       a big deal for the Brahmin and he did not regret it at all.

       One  cannot  even  imagine  the  extent  to  which  such  sinful
       people can fall for their self-interests.
       Kamlata's Wicked Plan                                         7
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