Page 22 - Courage Redifined
P. 22

Without  the  Tirthankar  Lord’s  omniscience,  the  invisible
          soul  and  minute  karma  theory  cannot  be  described.  How
          is  it  possible  to  elaborate  on  the  minute  details  related
          to  karma  without  actually  seeing  it ?  Omniscience  of
          Tirthankar  Lords  can  perfectly  describe  karma’s  various
          processes  of  Bandha,  Udaya,  Sankramana,  Udvartana,
          Apvartana  which  are  not  visible  to  the  naked  eye.  Since
          Tirthankar  Lords  do  not  possess  attachment,  hatred  or
          ignorance which instigate them to lie, why will they lie or
          cheat ? If the supreme Almighty Lords have described the
          position and movements of the sun, moon, earth and stars,
          there  is  no  reason  to  doubt  its  authenticity.  On  the  other
          hand, today’s discoveries and beliefs are contaminated with
          many  faults  like  calculation  mistakes,  vision  difference,
          opinion-differences,  long  distance,  etc.  How  can  you  be
          sure of its authenticity and consider it to be true ?

       In  today’s  advanced  science  and  technological  era,  one  has
       to  be  very  strong  to  be  able  to  keep  faith  in  Sarvagya’s
       teachings intact. Similarly, in today’s times where equipment
       for amusement are on the rise, where the sole aim of life is to
       maximize sensual pleasures, one needs to be very determined
       to be able to control one’s senses and minimize one’s desires.
       Only by doing this, can one stay in their limitations and not
       cross their boundary.

       This means that we need to develop a strong will power and
       courageous mind for two things-
       1)  To not get carried away in today’s scientific and so-called
          logical  talks  and  stand  by  Sarvagya  Tirthankar  Lord’s

       2)  To not get attracted in today’s equipments and gadgets that
          satisfy our sensual pleasures and thus be determined to not
          cross  our  limits  and  maintain  sanyam  (a  good,  restricted
          code of conduct) in our life.

       12                                                Courage Redefined
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