Page 27 - Courage Redifined
P. 27

3. The Brahmin Dies...

       Kamlata’s husband dies :

       Kamlata betrayed the King and killed him. What did she attain
       in return ? Let's see...

       She  started  searching  in  the  temple  for  her  husband.  She
       took  a  lamp  and  went  to  find  him.  Looking  here  and  there,
       she finally found him sleeping in a dark corner. She tried to
       awaken  him  but  no  success.  How  can  you  be  successful  in
       waking up a dead person ? He had come early and had hidden
       in a corner. Without knowing about a snake lying there. The
       terrible snake bit him and he lost his life then and there. As
       if  it  was  the  nature’s  way  of  saying,  “Come  and  take  your
       fruits. As you sow, so you reap.”

       The  disastrous  outcome  of  being  selfish  and  approving
       other’s wrong acts :

       The  Brahmin  had  become  party  to  his  wife's  cruel  act  of
       murdering the King because he saw his own self-interest of
       getting his wife back. Also, his wife had given him abundant
       wealth and was beautiful as well. Attracted by her beauty and
       carried  away  by  the  abundant  wealth  showered  on  him,  he
       ended up agreeing to such a dreadful act.
       A person who loves to gossip also ends up approving to such
       acts. One person may say, “Mr. X was so proud and arrogant
       that he would always roam about with an air of attitude. He
       happened to meet Mr. Y, who was an equal opponent for him.

       The Brahmin Dies...                                           17
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