Page 32 - Courage Redifined
P. 32

The prostitute consoled her, “What is the use of crying ? Who
       can  change  God’s  desire ?  No  one  has  the  power  to  change
       our fate. Do not fear at all. Stay at my place for as long as
       you wish like my real sister. Come with me.”

       The  prostitute  was  tempted.  She  saw  her  own  self-interest.
       She  thought  that  this  lady  was  very  pretty  and  had  lost  her
       husband.  If  she  agreed  to  become  a  prostitute  and  join  my
       business,  then  great  kings,  princes,  merchants  and  landlords
       will  become  my  customers  and  my  business  will  flourish.
       I  will  become  wealthy.”The  prostitute  knew  this  world’s
       greatest weakness. Kings or princes, merchants or landlords-
       most of them are slaves of beauty and touch. They wouldn’t
       take long to get attracted to a beautiful woman like her.

       Why is Vairagya (non-attachment) priceless ?
       Those  who  are  slaves  of  beauty  will  take  their  eyes  where
       they get to see such beauty. Some are slaves of tender touch.
       As soon as they get to know about some tender touch, their
       mind  is  occupied  in  attaining  and  experiencing  it.  Some
       people are slaves of taste but they are better than the previous
       two because he will stop once his stomach is full. For some
       time,  he  will  not  crave  for  sweets  or  other  such  delicacies.
       But  those  who  are  slaves  of  beauty  or  touch  have  no  such
       limit  or  restriction.  Why  will  such  people  not  get  attracted
       to  the  beauty  of  pretty  women ?  People  are  dying  in  this
       way. Leave alone releasing themselves from the trap of this
       sansaar  (material  world),  they  do  not  even  have  the  basic
       realization  that  this  sansaar  is  a  vicious  trap.  When  they
       do  not  even  have  this  fundamental  realization,  they  do  not
       possess vairagya, then it’s implementation by forsaking such
       temporary pleasures is bound to be impossible.

       Why don’t the number of sadhus increase ?

       Pure-hearted saints are the need of the hour but the number of

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