Page 33 - Courage Redifined
P. 33

saints are not increasing. Why ? Because in today’s times, the
       enslavement by beauty and touch has increased tremendously.
       Movies,  serials,  internet,  Youtube  videos,  dressing  sense  of
       women have contributed to this increase. These enslavements
       are  dreadful  because  not  only  do  they  lead  to  such  acts  but
       even  when  these  acts  are  not  being  performed,  the  mind
       constantly remains preoccupied in such thoughts. Then it isn’t
       surprising if thoughts related to the soul, Arihanta Lords and
       his  teachings  become  unattainable.  Isn’t  it  a  major  loss  if
       thoughts  related  to  the  soul  and  the  mighty Arihanta  Lords
       become impossible in this precious human birth ?

       Enslavement  of  the  senses  makes  one  forget  the  welfare
       of the soul :

       Even  insects,  animals  and  Anarya*,  men  have  the  chance
       to  satisfy  their  sensual  pleasures.  However,  only  an  Arya
       human’s  birth  is  the  one  in  which  a  person  can  engross  his
       mind  in  the  thoughts  of  the  soul, Almighty Arihanta  Lords
       and his their supreme teachings. But when is such a thought
       process  possible ?  Only  when  the  mind  stops  becoming  a
       slave  of  beauty,  touch  and  taste.  Till  the  soul  is  a  slave  of
       such  pleasures,  that  person  cannot  be  trusted  because  his
       enslavement  can  pressurize  him  to  cross  his  limits.  Do  not
       be surprised if a man is attracted to his daughter-in-law or a
       woman is attracted to her brother-in-law, the enslavement by
       touch  is  so  terrible  that  crossing  one’s  limit  does  not  seem
       shocking anymore.
       The weapon of Arihanta Lord’s teachings :

       Today, the purity and spirituality that was formerly present in
       our  society  is  gradually  decreasing  due  to  this  enslavement
       of touch and beauty. As a result, Tirthankar Lord’s teachings

       *Anarya – People belonging to the atheist Western culture
       The Brahmin Dies...                                           23
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