Page 36 - Courage Redifined
P. 36

4. Greed -- The Root of all Evil

       Travelling  through  various  towns  and  cities,  they  did  not
       get a satisfactory answer from any learned or wise old men
       and  hence  their  travel  continued  further.  They  came  across
       an  old  man  in  one  of  the  villages  of  Marwad  and  told  him
       about  their  problem.  The  old  man  thought  that  the  troubled
       men  had  come  from  far  lands  and  greeted  them  warmly.
       What  is  humanity ?  Worshipping  the  supreme  Lord,  the
       elderly ones and greeting the guests. When you go to listen
       to  a Vyakhyan  (religious  discourse),  do  you  first  bow  down
       and  then  sit ?  If  you  are  late  and  you  cannot  stand  to  do
       the  entire  Guruvandanaas  it  can  disturb  the  discourse,  do
       you  at  least  give  a  Khamasamana*  before  sitting ?  A  saint
       is  worth-worshipping  and  thus  whenever  you  meet  a  saint,
       you  should  bow  down  in  his  feet.  But  when  you  go  to  the
       Vyakhana  to  attain  the  saint’s  precious  teachings,  then  how
       can  you  listen  to  it  without  bowing  down  in  front  of  him ?
       Where  is  humanity  here ?  Humanity  means  the  virtues  of  a
       Marganusari* person.

       The appropriate treatment and respect for Atithis, Sadhus and
       the helpless is the prime virtue of a Marganusari person. Atithi
       means a person who does not have a particular day (tithi) to
       practice religion but does religious activities at all times and

      * Khamasamana -  Bowing  down  in  a  way  that  both  your  hands  and
                         feet and your head touch the ground.
      * Marganusari -  A person who is close to the attainment of samyakdarshan
                       (right faith).
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