Page 39 - Courage Redifined
P. 39

Atithis,  Sadhus  and  the  needy  is  one  of  them.  If  you  miss
       out on this duty, then where is humanity ?

       The  helpless  and  needy  includes  the  poor,  sad,  beggars  and
       handicapped  people.  If  they  seek  food,  water,  clothes,  etc.
       and if we possess the capacity to help them, then we should
       surely  fulfill  their  requirements.  Thus,  having  sympathy  for
       them  and  helping  them  is  the  appropriate  treatment  to  be
       given to them.

       This is a great virtue of a Marganusuri person. This is humanity
       in real sense. Only a fortunate person will feel like practicing
       such  activities.  Leave  alone  the  wish  to  practice  them,  an
       unfortunate person may think, “Why to waste money in such a
       way ?” Inspite of acquiring such a precious human birth in an
       Arya country, such a person wants to remain unfortunate even
       when  there  are  bright  chances  of  becoming  fortunate.  Who
       can save such a person ? Arya country, Arya family, the Arya
       culture, ArihantaLords,  the  Gurus  in  this  religion  are  all  of
       serious help to those who wish to become fortunate. However,

       there is no remedy for those who wish to remain unfortunate.
       That  old  man  warmly  welcomed  those  scholars  and  greeted
       them, “First come home. We will talk about this later.”

       He  then  took  everyone  home  and  inquired  about  their
       whereabouts. After knowing their problem, he calmly replied,
       “No problem, the answer is easy. I will solve your query. First,

       have a bath near the riverside, fill your stomach and freshen
       up. After  that  I  will  give  you  such  an  answer  that  the  king
       will be delighted. Do not worry at all.”
       The learned men were tired. After receiving the warm welcome
       and the solution to the problem, they were now relieved. After
       getting  freshened  and  having  food,  they  now  asked  the  old

       Greed - The Root of all Evil                                  29
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