Page 35 - Courage Redifined
P. 35

The  story  of  the  idol  having  only  a  head  that  was
       worshipped in the temple :

       Once  upon  a  time  a  head  came  out  of  the  lake  and  said,
       “It is sinking”, “It is sinking” for 3 days continuously. After
       speaking,  the  head  disappeared  in  the  lake  water.  People
       staying  close  by  searched  a  lot  but  in  vain. They  could  not
       find anything in the water. No man and no man’s head. The
       king of a nearby city got this news and ordered the learned
       men in his court to find out it’s real meaning. “Find out what
       does  this  mean.  Is  the  city  going  to  sink ?  Or  is  religion
       sinking ? Decide what it really means. I give you time of just
       1 month. Give me a justified meaning. Am I giving you fees
       for nothing ? If I do not get the right answer in a month, then
       you all will be sentenced to death.”

       The  learned  men  were  all  tensed.  They  thought  deeply  for
       some  time  but  did  not  find  any  satisfying  answer  to  save
       themselves. They travelled towards Rajasthan (Marwad). Not
       to run away, because they themselves could escape but what
       about their family and belongings ? What if the king troubled
       them ? Hence they travelled abroad to seek guidance and get
       a satisfying answer from some other learned men.

       The Brahmin Dies...                                           25
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