Page 40 - Courage Redifined
P. 40

man to unfold the mystery. The old man replied, “The answer
       is just one word. I will definitely tell you the solution but, as
       you have travelled such a long distance, why not utilize this
       visit ? Look, little puppies in our village are very cute. Each
       one of you take one puppy with you. Also, if you sell them
       at your place you will earn well. They are available for free
       here. No one will demand any money from you.”

       Those  learned  men  thought,  “It  is  not  a  bad  deal.  We  are
       getting it for free. Let's take them with us.” Thus, they went
       out into the village lanes, fondly called out to the little puppies
       and  picked  up  one  each.  Seeing  them  coming  back  along
       with the puppies, the old man expressed surprise along with
       sorrow  and  said,  “ Arre Arre!  What  did  you  do ?  What  did
       you get along ?”

       Those learned men were suddenly taken aback and exclaimed,
       “O,  old  man!  Didn't  you  tell  us  to  get  these  puppies ?”He
       answered,  “Arre!  You  are  learned  and  wise  man  whereas  I
       am  an  illiterate  villager.  Shouldn't  you  think  on  my  words
       before implementing them ? You had become clean and pure
       on  having  a  bath  and  now  you  again  became  impure  by
       carrying these impure puppies. Now how will you chant the
       Lord's name in this impure state ? If you had been pure, then
       you would have chanted ‘Om Namah Shivay’ in your mind.
       But  in  the  greed  of  a  mere  dog,  you  missed  out  on  God's
       name till the time you have a bath.” The learned men realized
       their folly and said, “You are right. Now we will leave these
       puppies  have  a  bath  at  the  riverside  and  then  get  going  on
       our way. But just tell us the answer to our query.”

       The Mystery of ‘It is sinking...’ unfolds...

       The old man said, “Oh, is the answer still left to be given ?
       Isn't  the  answer  so  obvious ?  You  became  greedy  for  these
       puppies,  lost  your  purity  and  lost  chanting  Lord’s  name.

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