Page 43 - Courage Redifined
P. 43

He was crowned as the king at the age of 55 and was not a
       direct heir of King Siddaraj. Thus, some small kings revolted
       against  him.  It  took  him  15  years  to  overcome  them  which
       means that he was 70 years old when he became the Emperor
       of  18  States.  After  that,  his  one  and  only  beloved  queen
       passed  away.  His  ministers  told  him,  “Get  married  again. A
       couple  is  necessary  at  auspicious  events. Thus  a  new  queen
       is essential.”

       You  know  what  king  Kumarpal  did ?  He  overcame  this
       greed  too.  He  had  finally  attained  the  opportunity  to  enjoy
       a luxurious, royal life at this age but he did not get married
       again. He told his ministers, “During such auspicious occasion
       keep a golden statue of my ex- queen besides me. In this way,
       both our problems will be solved.” Now think, when did he
       acquire  material  comforts  and  when  did  he  accept  complete
       celibacy ?

       When  did  you  acquire  a  good  worldly  life ?  Have  you
       accepted complete celibacy now ?

        (C)  Not  only  this  but  even  when  his  wife  was  alive,  after
            becoming a Shravaka, King Kumarpal practiced complete
            celibacy for the 4 months of monsoon. His oath was so
            strong that even if he broke his vow by mere thoughts,
            he  would  fast  without  food  for  1  day.  He  suppressed
            his desires for sensual pleasures to a great extent. If the
            Emperor  of  18  states  is  required  to  do  so,  what  is  our
            duty ? If we have luxuries and comforts, why not enjoy
            them optimally ? Is there any need for restrictions ? No
            one is present to question or stop us. Are you going to
            be  satisfied ?  Haven't  you  seen  such  pleasures  in  the
            previous  births ?  How  much  is  the  attraction  of  such
            happiness ?  To  what  extent  is  the  addiction  of  such
            sensual  pleasures ?  And  that  too  after  acquiring  Lord

       Greed - The Root of all Evil                                  33
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