Page 42 - Courage Redifined
P. 42

for  free.  His  greed  did  not  overcome  him.  Instead,  he
            visualized  the  dreadful  consequence  of  this  act.  He
            thought that, “If I confiscate all his wealth then,

       1)  The  state  of  merchant  Kuber’s  wife,  mother  and  other
          Mahajan-relatives would become miserable.

       2)  They  would  bind  themselves  with  abundant  sins  because
          of grief, anxiety, negative thoughts and kashayas*.

       3)  I will have so many fathers because it is said that being a
          son  you  can enjoy your  father’s money  but not by being
          a father. Thus, I will become the son of as many people’s
          wealth I confiscate.

       4)  Also,  confiscating  someone’s  wealth  without  our  right
          means we are expressing our consent on someone’s demise.
          This is because the mind will surely feel, “Because he died,
          I  received  this  wealth.” This  means  expressing  happiness
          over someone’s demise.”

       Seeing  all  these  unwanted  consequences,  King  Kumarpal
       did  not  become  greedy  for  that  wealth.  He  made  a  strong
       resolution to never take such wealth. He overcame the greed
       of the enormous wealth that could come in his hands legally by
       state law. Could you do something like this ? King Kumarpal
       was getting enormous wealth according to his status. Suppose,
       you are getting not so much wealth but a considerate amount
       of wealth for free without any major lies or fraud. Would you
       let go of the greed for such wealth ?

        (B)  Let's  look  at  another  example  of  Kumarpal's  victory
            over greed.

       * Kashayas –  The negative traits of anger, greed, deceit and pride

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