Page 44 - Courage Redifined
P. 44

Jineshwardev’s  Jainism ?  Don't  you  feel,  “Is  my  soul
            really  a  slave  of  these  senses  and  the  joys  of  taste,
            touch,  sight,  etc.  that  they  offer ?  Does  my  soul  have
            any standing or command or does it always obey these
            arrogant  senses  and  the  temporary  pleasures  that  they
            have to offer ?

        (D)  How  much  command  did  King  Kumarpal  have  over
            his  senses  and  its  attractions ?  He  did  Ekashanas*  for
            the 4 months of monsoon wherein he refrained from 5
            vigais* and green vegetables. Why so many restrictions ?
            Because  he  saw  abundant  sins  and  troubles  in  being
            greedy.  We  are  talking  about  a  man  who  lived  in  this
            era. If you want to glorify religion in your life, then take
            King Kumarpal as your role model, your idol.

       King Kumarpal’s sister’s love for religion :

        (E)  Now  let’s  see  one  more  instance  of  king  Kumarpal’s
            victory  over  greed.  Kumarpal’s  sister  was  playing
            chopat* with her husband, King Arnoraja. While playing,
            he mischievously said “Hit the Mundiya*, hit him.” The
            queen immediately replied, “Do not speak like this. The
            word  ‘Mundiya’  makes  mischief  of  a  Jain  Sadhu.  Jain
            Sadhus  are  my  brother’s  Guru.  You  will  have  to  pay
            a  heavy  price  if  he  becomes  aware  of  your  folly.”The
            king turned red with anger and said, “Go ahead, hit that
            bald  one.  What  can  your  brother  do ?  I  made  him  the

       The queen replied, “Do not challenge him. Do you really want

      * Ekashanas - Having food once a day
      * Vigais - Milk, curd, ghee, oil, sugar and fried items are the 6 vigais.
      * Chopat - an old traditional game
      * Mundiya - A person who is bald

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