Page 45 - Courage Redifined
P. 45

to face the consequences ? Then get ready.”The king answered,
       “I am ready. I am still going to say ‘Hit the Mundiya’. Let’s
       see what he does.”The queen could not tolerate the mockery
       of  Jain  Sadhus  and  immediately  went  and  told  about  the
       occurrence to her brother. King Kumarpal got ready for war.
       His sister was not concerned and was fearless about the fact
       that if her husband died in war she would become a widow.
       Real love for religion is unique and priceless. When one sees
       religion being insulted and religion in danger, a real lover of
       religion  is  ready  to  sacrifice  anything  for  its  protection  and
       uplifment.  “I  will  become  a  widow  but  not  tolerate  religion
       being  insulted.”  This  was  her  loyalty  and  love  for  religion.
       If  your  children  go  against  religion,  do  you  bother ?  Do
       you  become  ready  to  sacrifice  anything  that  is  required  and
       bring  them  back  on  the  right  track ? As  soon  as  the  queen
       went  to  king  Kumarpal, Arnoraja  understood  the  upcoming
       trouble.  Hence,  he  secretly  bribed  Kumarpal’s  chief  soldiers
       and commanders. Kumarpal marched towards Arnoraja with
       his army. But when he ordered his army to attack, they stood
       still.  No  one  moved  ahead.  King  Kumarpal  was  seated  on
       the elephant. He asked the Mahavat*, “What is happening ?”
       The Mahavat replied, “O Noble One! The army seems to be
       bribed. Everyone is on the opposition’s side.” King Kumarpal
       asked, “Then who is ours ?”

       The Mahavat replied, “The elephant and I. At present, only the
       two of us seem to be in our party.”King Kumarpal understood
       the  situation.  He  was  alert  and  cautious.  The  situation  did
       not scare him because he knew that there was no use crying
       over  spilt  milk.  It  wouldn’t  benefit  him  in  any  way.  Instead
       it was wise to face the situation with courage and valor. You
       can  hope  for  good  results  by  taking  appropriate  efforts  and
       not by weeping over the lost chance.

       *Mahavat - The one who controls the elephant
       Greed - The Root of all Evil                                  35
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