Page 50 - Courage Redifined
P. 50

favours and start living separately. When the chance has come
       to serve them, he forgets his duty. When he was unmarried,
       he was happy and relaxed because he had such caring parents
       and thus did not feel like exercising religious activities. Now,
       after he gets married, his beloved wife becomes the cause of
       his happiness and relaxation which makes him forget his duty
       towards his parents. Thus happiness and relaxation in worldly
       benefits makes him forget his religious duties and other acts
       of  charity  and  humanity.  Hence,  we  can  conclude  that  it  is
       wise to not become happy and tension free in worldly benefits
       and miss out on our duties.

       Ilachikumar felt happy and relaxed in meeting an actress and
       thus,  left  the  prestige  of  a  respectful  family,  a  flourishing
       business and became a dancer in her group. Konik felt relaxed
       in  acquiring  the  vast  empire  of  Magadh  and  imprisoned  his
       father  and  whipped  him  50  times  each  day.  Also,  he  went
       to  fight  against  his  maternal  uncle  king  Cheda.  Merchant
       Mamman  felt  happy  in  hoarding  abundant  wealth  and  thus,
       binded karmas leading him to seventh hell. Lord Mahavira’s

       soul  as  Triprushtha  Vasudev  felt  relaxed  in  enjoying  the
       luxuries  and  comforts  of  life  which  led  him  also  to  the
       dungeons of seventh hell. Do you understand the dreadfulness
       of seventh hell ? The sorrows and miseries of the first hell are
       so  terrible.  This  misery  keeps  increasing  in  the  consecutive
       second,  third  hell  and  soon.  Now  imagine  it’s  intensity  in
       the  seventh  hell! And  tolerating  such  horrors,  not  for  some
       50-100-1000  years,  but  for  an  enormous  time  period  of  33
       sagaropama*.  (One  Palyopamais  equivalent  to  innumerable
       years.  When  it  passes  330  crore  x  crore  times,  it  results  in
       33 Sagaropama) So much pain for such a long time!

       * Sagaropama / * Palyomana – Unit of measurement of time

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