Page 54 - Courage Redifined
P. 54

Though  karmasatta  will  show  its  effects  in  the  long  run,  it
       will definitely not ignore or let them go.

       In the present era also, why are so many innocent living beings
       undergoing terrible pain and trauma ? Why are innocent goats
       and  sheep  being  slaughtered  in  slaughter  houses ?  What  is
       the  crime  of  small  ants  and  other  insects ?  Why  are  they
       dying by being crushed ? Do those who kill mosquitoes and
       bugs  with  pesticides  like  D.  D.  T  think  about  the  fault  of
       these  little  insects  to  whom  they  are  such  a  pitiful  death ?
       If Karmasatta is punishing them for the crime committed by
       them in their previous birth, then wouldn't Karmasatta punish
       me for my crime of killing others ? What will be my state in
       the next birth ? Due to the lack of such thoughts, people use
       pesticides and insect sprays freely and kill numerous innocent

       Kamlata lost her conscience, fell into prostitution and did not
       even  think  about  the  consequences  that  she  would  have  to
       face  in  the  next  birth. A  good  character  Brahmin  woman  at
       one  time  turned  into  a  characterless  prostitute.  What  a  vast
       difference! Once a man loses his determination, his downfall
       has no limits. Loss of determination in the attraction of sensual
       pleasures leads to Kashyas.

       She lost her determination once to become the queen which
       eventually  led  her  to  the  terrible  clutches  of  prostitution.
       Hence,  one  needs  to  be  alert  in  not  losing  determination
       and  exercising  the  wrong  even  once,  because  it  can  lead  to
       unimagined consequences. Do not become the slave of more
       and more sensual pleasures and thus invite vices like anger,
       greed, etc. Do not forget that this soul loses its courage and
       purity when it gets attracted to sensual pleasures and depends
       on the dangerous Kashayas.

       Lord  Mahavira's  soul  was  a  great,  non-attached  and  pure

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