Page 57 - Courage Redifined
P. 57

of religion, then won’t I become a betrayer of religion!
            Helping  sadharmikas  is  religion.  Spending  money  for
            this  cause  is  my  duty.  If  I  do  not  perform  my  duty
            won’t  I  become  disloyal ?”  Do  the  minds  of  wealthy
            Jain merchants think in this way on seeing the unpleasant
            state of Sadharmikas ? No. Therefore you cannot make
            this a universal law that the mind gets disturbed due to
            an unpleasant occurring.

       Q. :  Can’t we say that our mind gets disturbed when something
            unpleasant occurs with us ?
       A. :  No.  You  cannot  make  this  also  as  a  rule.  For  eg.  our
            mind  does  not  get  disturbed  when  our  loving  wife  or
            dear son spill a jar of ghee. On the contrary, we console
            them by saying, “Do not worry. Nothing is lost. Such a
            mishap can happen by me also. What is the big deal ?”
            Here, does the mind of the speaker seem upset ?

       Q. :  Isn't  this  because  the  wife  and  son  are  more  dear  then
            ghee ? The loss of ghee caused by them doesn't seem to
            be of any importance as compared to the affection and
            care of the family. Hence his mind does not get upset.

       A. :  Yes. But it means that we can conclude that the mind does
            not get disturbed on the loss of some object. In reality,
            if we have a precious thing with us, then our mind does
            not  get  disturbed  when  a  thing  of  lesser  importance  or
            value gets spoiled.

       Sita had overflowing affection and respect for Ramchandraji
       and hence when Ramchandraji accepted forest exile and they
       had to forsake all palatial comforts and luxuries, her mind did
       not  get  disturbed.  Her  calculation  was  such,  “Whom  have  I
       married ? Definitely not the palace, jewelry, servants, clothes
       and food. I have married Rama and there is no problem in my

       Keep the Mind Undisturbed...                                  47
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